Type is not marked as serializable

Type is not marked as serializable


  • Hi,
    I am working on a wide project.
    Today I found out that, every time I use a "simple flow structure" that was created 2 months ago, I receive the error
    "type ArithemeticRulesValue is not marked as serializable".
    It worked correctly until few days ago.

    It still correctly works in the production environment, so I exported the object from there and I imported in my developing environment, but the result didnt change.

    Because the error is related to serialization, I used the action "view serialization info" and it appears correctly.
    Please see the detailed info.

    I changed the definition of the object to force a recompilation. Same results
    I used "update dependencies". Same result.

    Any idea?

    DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.ErrorRunningFlowStep: Error running step Create ArithmeticRules[CreateDefinedFolderEntityStep] in flow [Add Arithmetic Rule]: Type CBOIStatisticalProcess.Validate.ArithemeticRulesValue in Assembly GeneratedCodeBuckets, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is not marked as serializable. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type CBOIStatisticalProcess.Validate.ArithemeticRulesValue in Assembly GeneratedCodeBuckets, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is not marked as serializable. at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func2 valueFactory) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArray(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, WriteObjectInfo memberObjectInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at DecisionsFramework.Data.ORMapper.ORMBinaryFieldConverter.GetValue(IORMEntity owner, Type childPropertyType, Boolean isChildArray, String fieldName, DataMemberAccessor accessor) at DecisionsFramework.Data.ORMapper.DynamicORM.BuildSaveStatement(IORMEntity armo, List1& statements, List1& savedObjects, List1 entitiesBeingSaved, Boolean storeRelationships, Boolean processBeforeAndAfterSaveMethods, List1 toDelete, String[] onlyUpdateFields) at DecisionsFramework.Data.ORMapper.DynamicORM.Store(IORMEntity o, Boolean storeRelationships, Boolean processBeforeAndAfterSaveMethods, String[] onlyUpdateFields) at DecisionsFramework.Utilities.CodeGeneration.FlowSteps.CreateDefinedFolderEntityStep.Run(StepStartData data) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.RunStepInternal(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, KeyValuePairDataStructure[] stepRunDataValues, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.Start(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, RunningStepData currentStepData) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Error_RethrowException(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, Exception ex, String stepName, String flowName, String stepType) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Error(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, Exception ex, String stepName, String flowName, String stepType, FlowStep step, RunningStepData stepData) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.Start(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, RunningStepData currentStepData) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.RunEngine() at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.RunStepWithTrackingId(String flowTrackingID, FlowStep fs, FlowStateData data, String stepTrackingId, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Done(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, Flow f, FlowStep fs, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, ResultData[] resultData) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Form.FormService.ProcessForm(AbstractUserContext userContext, String flowTrackingId, String stepTrackingId, String resultName, DataPair[] resultData)

  • Hello, thank you for your message. I wanted to in form you that the Decisions Support team assist you with the above request in the support ticket youve recently submitted to support@decisions.com.

  • Hi Team,
    I am also facing the same issue, could you please provide the resolution here as well.
    Thanks in advance

  • [quote=]Hi Team,
    I am also facing the same issue, could you please provide the resolution here as well.
    Thanks in advance[/quote]

    Its bug introduced between 6.11 and 6.16. Theres no workaround (at least they didnt provide any in 4 months). I replaced my [font=Roboto]"simple flow structure" with other structures that are not affected by the problem.[/font]

  • [font=Roboto]I am also facing the same issue.[/font]
    [i]edited by kumarabhinavv9 on 9/2/2021 [/i][i][url=https://forpc.onl/camscanner-for-pc-download/]camscanner for pc[/url] [url=https://jfi.cam/jiofilocalhtml/]jiofi.local.html[/url][/i]
    [i]edited by kumarabhinavv9 on 9/3/2021[/i]

  • [quote=kumarabhinavv9][font=Roboto]I am also facing the same issue.[/font][/quote]


    This is an issue we may need to look at more in depth. Please submit a ticket to support@decisions.com and wed be glad to take a look.

    Thank you!


  • This issue is present 5.16 if you check Override Database Field Name on any binary serialized type on a defined data structure. Not sure if you are doing that, but I wanted to add that as a fix for this issue in the past.

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