Using CSS in Flow Run Inline Field on Reports

Using CSS in Flow Run Inline Field on Reports


  • Please note that in Decisions Version 7.x the core CSS needed has changed.

    As such:

    [i]td[role="gridcell"] .run-flow-inline-field:hover {[/i]
    [i]color: #0081C2 !important;[/i]
    [i]background: white;[/i]

    Would need to be amended as the parent elements are now Div > Span > A.

    The structure of the report can be identified using Control + Shift + I. Then pressing Control + Shift + C. And selecting the element you wish to inspect.

    Example CSS used in 7.x targeting any gridcell class that has a run-flow-inline-field class.

    [i].gridcell .run-flow-inline-field{[/i]
    [i]color: #0081C2 !important;[/i]
    [i]background: white;[/i]

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