Process upgrading from v 6 to v 7
Im looking to upgrade from v 6 to v 7 in the near future. What is involved in the transition and process?
Hello! Version 6 and 7 have some structural differences between the two. While the process of upgrading should be fairly smooth, you are [b]unable[/b] to use the same database for v6 again following an upgrade to v7. I recommend backing up your v6 database files as a preemptive measure. Included below are 3 links to our Documentation page that should be of some help.
Requirements for running v7 on a self-hosted environment: [url=][/url]
Upgrading from v6 to v7:
[url=][/url]Backing up Decisions file system and database:
[i]edited by on 5/26/2021[/i]
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