How can I send a report by email based on outcome?
I have a flow that contains a filtered report. Basically, I am trying to send different emails based on the reports outcome. For example, if the report is empty just send an email without attachment. If the report contains information send the report as excel attachment to an email. I used Object is Null step, but still cant get the correct email even the report does not have data.
In order to use Object is Null step you have to change your Run Report steps Return Data Option to Data Rows. When you use an Excel File or PDF File, the Run Report step is producing a blank file if even there is no data. So, Object is Null step is counting the input as False.
For your case, I can recommend using two Run Flow Step with different Return Data Options (one Excel File, one Data Rows). When you want to check the data condition use Data Rows option with Object is Null step. When creating email attachment use Excel or PDF file data return.
In order to use two Run Report steps for the same report source, you also have to change their Output name and make them different from each other. Once you have done above-mentioned arrangements and map the steps correctly, you should send emails correctly according to your report result. Please check attached images for reference.
[i]edited by Kenan on 1/29/2019[/i]
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