Decisions and google spreadsheets Integration

Decisions and google spreadsheets Integration


  • At this time, we do not. However there are a couple of alternative processes you can setup to give you a similar functionality:

    [b]Method 1.[/b] You can directly download the Google Sheets as an xlsx or csv file and send it to Decisions manually.
    [b]Method 2.[/b] Google Drive also includes a REST Api service that lets you export your file using the following REST API:[fileID]/export?format=xlsx&id=[fileID], but replace [fileID] with the sheets ID. (You can locate your documents ID in Google Drive by right clicking on the file and select Get Shareable Link. The last part of the link provided by Google Dreive is the file Id.). For more information on Google Drives APIs, please refer to this website:

    If the need for this is to load Google Sheet data into Decisions, using Method 1 and using this file in Decisions will be easier to set up and use.
    However, if this needs to be part of an automated process, then you may need to look into ways to automate that download operation, likely with Method 2.

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