Create Custom Masked Textbox
Is there a way to initially have 59 before the user starts inputting the rest? In this format: 59-____-____-_
This example is showing a sample custom masked text box. I used a simple flow with a simple form only containing one Masked Text Box. If you open that form and click on that Masked Text Box and open properties on the right side, you will see the settings under Properties tab.
First of all, you should select "Custom" by using the Value Type drop-down menu. Below Value Type you will see some Regex coding (^d{2}-?d{7}$). The regex coding is a sample for creating 99-9999999 format input for Text Box. You can change the "2" and "7" numbers in the coding to create your own "-" separated custom input. If you want to create new different format please refer to [url=][/url] or [url=][/url]
Below regex coding, you should write formatting in the Custom Display Mask field by using 99-9999999 format. If you dont fill Custom Display Mask, your form gives validation error to users, but cant show the required format according to your regex settings.
You can find screenshots and sample zip file as an attachment. I hope this example helps you to build your own Custom Masked Textbox.
[i]edited by Kenan on 11/30/2018[/i]
[i]edited by Kenan on 11/30/2018[/i]
[i]edited by Kenan on 11/30/2018[/i][/quote]
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