Changing the font size of a Data grid - 4.0
Changing the font size of a Data grid - 4.0
The font size of a data grid can be changed by using the following CSS:
.custom-data-grid {
text-align: center
}/* Table Header*/
.custom-data-grid .ui-jqgrid-hbox table tr th .DGTexthide {
font-size: 14px;
}/*Table Rows */
.custom-data-grid .ui-jqgrid tr.jqgrow td {
font-size: 14px;
}You can add this snippet to any custom CSS sheet you have for your form and add it to System → Designers → CSS for use.
To apply this to your data grid,
1. Open your form → under Style Sheets property, choose the added CSS file.
2. Select your data grid → expand View properties → select .custom-data-grid in Css Class.
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