CORS Workaround
If you are using a front-end server that is not iframed inside of Decisions and you are trying to use Decisions flows, then you have probably hit an issue in your browser related to CORS: [url=][/url]
Because of this, you will not be able to use the Decisions endpoints. Ive created a workaround for this and published it to GitHub: [url=][/url]
Its a project written in C# that will allow you to create an ASP.NET WebAPI 2 endpoint that will proxy your request to the Decisions server. This endpoint is meant to be hosted on the same server as your front-end. Please read through the readme in the project for a full explanation of the issue and how to use the project.
If you have questions or problems then open an issue in the github repository and within reason, Ill try and help you.
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