Lock Down Studio
Is there a way to disable the designer studio if the user is coming in from outside our network? We are planning to expose our system externally and this is a request my security group is asking about.
Hey there, when you create an account for a User, as long as they arent in the Administrator group or the Designers Group, that User cannot see the Decisions Designer Studio. By default, all accounts created will not be in those groups; you have to purposefully add them in.
If youre nervous or just a bit unsure about what a User is able to access, I would recommend making a test user account that mirrors the exact same settings that you want to provide the incoming user that you can use to log in with to test what that account can effectively "see" when the other person gets on. Once you log into the test account and verify those settings are what you like, you can grant the incoming user access without any fear of exposing anything else unnecessarily.
You can create a test account via [b]System [/b]> [b]Security [/b]> [b]Accounts[/b].
More detail can be found from this documentation: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/adding-a-user-account]Create a User Account[/url]This documentation might be interesting to look over if you want to customize some of your Design Studio Settings or use this to help you access the settings to perform a quick overview to verify that all the settings are as you like them to be, such as the System Folder being only visible within the Studio Portal: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/decisions-studio]Designer Studio Settings[/url]
[url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/default-groups]Default Groups - User Management[/url]: Explains the three main groups in detail and their access level.
[url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/designer-permissions-with-other-group-permissions]Adding Accounts to the Designer Group and Other Groups[/url]: Explains how to add users to groups as needed.
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