Assign accounts to the primary instance.
I have recently run into an issue with creating accounts and assigning them to customer instances and Primary at the same time- these will be general admin users who will need access to Primary to perform account setups, instance restarts, etc.
I have followed the steps for creating & assigning the accounts within the [b]Hosting ->[/b] [b]Customers -> Add User Account→ Create[/b] and have been able to assign them to various instances without issue. But I have noticed there is no option to grant access to Primary, which means only the assigned customer instances are shown when the user logs in.
Can you please advise if there are any additional steps to take to assign an account to Primary? -
If we want an account to be assigned to the primary instance, we will need to add that account to System→Security→Accounts and link to the respective instance. This way, that account will have access to both primary and secondary instances.
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