Flow always redirects to portal

Flow always redirects to portal


  • Hello,

    Running Flows in Studio with an EndFormSessionStep set to Open Portal in New Window will redirect to Portal UI, even for Folders present in Studio.

  • Hello, try this as a work around:
    1.Within the EndFormSessionStep Properties, select PARAMETERS > Specify Parameters.
    2. Click ADD NEW, declare ForceStudio as the Name, set Type to String[Text], and click OK.
    [color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att2[/img][/font][/color]
    3. Under the INPUTS of the EndFormSessionStep, provide the respective Folder Id and set ForceStudio to Constant > True.
    [color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]
    [i]edited by bryan.thomas@decisions.com on 1/24/2021[/i]
    [i]edited by bryan.thomas@decisions.com on 1/24/2021[/i]

  • An RSS feed redirect takes your existing RSS feed URL and redirects, or forwards, it to a new RSS feed URL. This is similar to having your mail forwarded to a new home address.

    [url=https://www.marykayintouch.ltd/]MaryKayInTouch USA[/url]
    [i]edited by LewisS2 on 12/2/2022[/i]

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