Change Browser Not Supported Page
Is there a way to change the text on the Browser not supported page?
Hey Chris, just to confirm, are you talking about this pop up?
[i]edited by on 1/6/2021[/i]
This one from IE.
Hey Chris, so unfortunately that message is generated in the framework code, and isnt exposed in a way that we can edit the HTML. I would be more than happy to put in a Feature request for you to have that added to the portal settings though if you would like
What about the possibility of overwriting that via JQUERY. What ASPX page is used to show this? Or any JS file that is used.
If im not mistaken, it looks like this is being written in by .Net, which creates the HTML file on the fly. One option you could do to bypass this is you could use an IIS url rewrite and navigate somewhere else when that URL is hit (it will always have the /UnSupportedPortal at the end so you could leverage that.) The problem is that it isnt an aspx page, its a common error page that is used dynamically, so it would be extremely difficult to overwrite under just the one specific circumstance
Howdy, Stranger!
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