Process Folder User Controls, View configurations
Hello, \r\n\r\n\r\n[color=rgb(20, 20, 20)][font=\"Open Sans\
Hi Lee,
1 - User actions can be added to the datatype, this allows them to be actioned on the process folder itself whether that be on a report of process folder data, or within the process folder itself. Allowing you to save documents change assignments etc.
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]
Further details are found here:
There is also the ability to use the default functionality to add these documents, shown below on the default process folder itself.
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att2[/img][/font][/color]
2 - There is the ability to customise the process folder view as an option when setting up a process folder.
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att3[/img][/font][/color]
Further details of this are found here:
3 - If you would like to use this component elsewhere, it is listed as the Folder Activity Panel, in our steps catalog found when editing a Page in our Designer. Further details are found here:
[i]edited by on 12/24/2020[/i]
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