Deleting temp files

Deleting temp files


  • Hi there,

    Regarding the tempfiles found through (Decisions > Decisions Web Host > HUI > tempFiles), these files dont get cleaned up automatically by Decisions. You can delete them safely using the following steps:

    1. Stop Service Host Manager (SHM) from the Windows Services app. If SHM restarts on its own, Service Host Manager Watching might also need to be stopped.
    2. Delete the tempFiles items you want to get rid of
    3. Restart SHM (and SHM Watcher if applicable)

    This folder is used to store items while the flow is executing, but they are stored in the database so they should be okay to delete as long as you follow those steps.

    Let me know if you need further assistance on this.
    [i]edited by Gliezelle on 8/1/2018[/i]

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