Dynamically Adding Truth Table Columns/Rows

Dynamically Adding Truth Table Columns/Rows


  • We are building a custom screen which will pull the columns from the truth table and we are binding it to asp.net grid.

    Suppose In my Truth Table I have got 3 columns & 1 result column : LocationNo, InvoiceNo, VendorName & Result Column. We are showing all the columns to the end user using your API Library in my custom screen.

    How can I handle the visibility of the truth table columns?

  • Theres no way to tell the truth table in Decisions that some of the columns that are present should be hidden from the API. Youll have to make those kinds of decisions in your UI code after getting the column list from the truth table API

    *****This question is specifically about modifying the truth table programmatically using the new truth table service.*****

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