Pointing Decisions at a new Database
I’d like to get some guidance on re-pointing an existing instance of Decisions to a new database.
If you can please let me know the steps/config changes needed and any “gotchas”.
A Decisions server can be pointed at a new database by:
[ul][li]Running the Decisions installer last used to install or update the server[/li][li]Checking Change settings on update[/li][li]Clicking Update[/li][li]Without changing anything else, modifying the database connection properties[/li][li]Finishing the update[/li][/ul]
The new target database for the installation can be a pre-existing Decisions database or a new database. When using a restored Decisions database, there are a few potential gotchas. They can be avoided by:
[ul][li][url=https://support.decisions.com/forum/topic2969-database-system-validation-issue.aspx]Setting up a databaseid.txt file[/url][/li][li]Including [b]any[/b] custom modules the old Decisions server had[/li][li]Moving the contents of the old servers filestoragelocation as defined in its settings.xml file at C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager to the filestoragelocation defined for the new server[/li][li]Using an installer of the same version or higher than the version last used with the restored database[/li][/ul]
[i]edited by james.hartzell@decisions.com on 11/20/2020[/i]
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