Start Linked Flow Async - Error

Start Linked Flow Async - Error


  • [font=Calibri, sans-serif]I have a flow that loops thru a DB and checks for items not marked as processed. If it finds anything, it uses a Start Linked Flow Async step and continues thru its items. The async flow checks to see if the item has already been processed and skips to the end if it has been processed. I am having an issue where the items continue to fire off even though they are not being called, resulting in duplicated process folders. It appears they get stuck and continue to run thru the flow. Are there any known issues like this in 6.4?[/font]
    [i]edited by Curious Betsy on 11/19/2020[/i]

  • Unless configured to do otherwise, any async flows will be dumped into the default worker queue along with any other async flows on the server, which can get backed up if there are hundreds or thousands of async flows started around the same time. If the default worker queue backs up enough, [i]your scheduled job can start up again before the old async flow updates the processed value in your external database[/i], causing the same data to be processed more than once. This can be prevented by updating the data from the external DB as processed just before kicking off the async flow that creates a process folder for the data.

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