User Accounts-Delete And Re-Create Issue
When I delete any User accounts in Decisions, it is deleted, but I am not able to create a new one with the same mail id. I get an error. Could you please advise on this?
When you delete an account in Decisions it is logically deleted meaning that we have a column in the DB table that has a true or false value for deleted. The reason you cant create a new account with the same email address is that the email address must be unique in our system. In order to reactivate the account you will need to change the folder view to All Folder entities (Including Deleted) and from there you can select the deleted account and undelete it.
Another handy trick that we use here for testing using Gmail addresses is plus notation": Google ignores anything after a "+" in a Gmail address
[color=#1f497d]I tried it that way, but I am not able to see the particular account.[/color]
Did you undelete the account in the database or from the portal?
[color=rgb(31, 73, 125)][font=Calibri, sans-serif]No, I didn’[/font][/color][color=rgb(31, 73, 125)][font=Calibri, sans-serif]t[/font][/color][color=rgb(31, 73, 125)][font=Calibri, sans-serif] undelete them.[/font][/color]
Make sure the entity_folder_id" for your account in the database is not Null. That would be why you could not find the account. Set the entity_folder_id to ACCOUNTS FOLDER and it should show up in the accounts list. If you run into any other accounts that have the same problem and do not show up in the portal check the database to make sure entity_folder_id is set on the account."
[color=#1f497d]Thanks for that. Could you please let me know the Table name to check in the Database?[/color]
The table name is Entity_Account.
If you have any further questions, please let us know and we are happy to help.
hi Michael,
users unable to login decision portal. and I confirmed I couldnt see user names in accounts section.but while creating an account for those users and getting the error message Account with the same email address already exists. if account existed and was deleted
Hi Thiru,
Can you paste a screenshot of what you are seeing in the accounts folder? Additionally, if you have access to Decisions DB you can look at the entity_account table. This is the table where all account data is stored. If you see data here, the issue maybe a report filter being applied on the accounts folder report which is returning zero results and making it appear as if it is empty.
Hi Thiru, additionally, if you would like to provide your email address in this thread, I can start a dedicated support ticket for this issue in our internal Tracking system. Then I can have a support team member setup a web-meeting to help you troubleshoot this issue.
Howdy, Stranger!
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