How Can I Edit A Comment Via A Flow?
Good Afternoon Decisions,
I would like to Edit a comment within my process folder, but I want to do it within a flow and not using the default folder actions. (see below)
Please help me accomplish this.
Good Afternoon,
This is possible by using the Call Internal Decisions Service step under Integration > Internal Services for the Comment service. You can use the Delete Method to remove a comment from a process folder by using the id of the comment in question. You can also use the Save method to edit an existing comment. This step will require the id of the comment, or CommentId, and the process folder id, or EntityFolderID, that contains the comment.
The following project demonstrates how one can use the aforementioned steps.
*Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:
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