Active Form Flows
I am trying to familiarize myself with the Active Form Flows. I am struggling on 2 concepts with this and was hoping I could get help figuring these out and if you could provide some examples for me that would be great.
First: In Legacy we have Data Flows, so I am attempting to recreate this. I have a simple form that has a number box. Once I enter a number, I take it and multiply by 10. I am able to see this as an output from the form, however, I want this to also push to another component on the form after it runs. In Legacy, I would make the output of the data flow and the component, in this case a number box, the same name and I would see it update, but I do not see this happening now. How can I get this to work?
Second: Active Forms Flow Data. The Documentation calls it Active Flow Managed Data and I followed the instructions here, but I do not see a purpose in this. Could you explain the purpose of this component?
For your first question, Active Form Flows work a little different than the original Data flows. It used to be required to match up the output name with the Form component as you said. With Active Form Flows you have any Form Control available under Form Data in the Data Explorer. You can use the specific Form control to pull in data to the Active Form Flow. In terms of setting Form Control values from the AFF output, there are now specific steps under Form Rules in the Step Toolbox. The Form Rules Glossary section of this doc explains each of them
In your case you would want to use a Set Control Value step to make the output of your calculation show up on the form. I have attached an example project that will multiply your original value by 10 any time you change the value in the Original Number box and show the result in the box beside of it.
For your second question, the purpose of this feature is to allow you to remove a Form Control's Input from showing up on the Show Form step, but still be able send a value to that control through an Active Form Flow. It is similar in set up to the Data Flows from v6. You would list an input under Active Flow Managed Data that is named identically to the Data Name listed on your target Form Control. Doing this will hide the input option for that Form Control on a Show Form step in a Flow. From there you would map values to the desired control.
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