Data from different data structures
i have a flow where i'm processing data from one datastructure but want to reference data in another. I have the datastructures in the same project but there is no connection between the two. From the documentation i can't see how to do this in the Data Structure Designer. Do i have to query both datasets into one combined table?
We don't need to combine these tables, we can use a few different flow steps in order to fetch data from any Decisions data structure. Here are two examples:
Fetch Entities is a jack-of-all-trades step that allows you to fetch data from any table in Decisions. We could configure this step to fetch data from your separate table, and set filters in order to curate the returned data. I've pasted some documentation on this below.
For a more direct approach, we can also use the Get By Id steps that generate by default with every Decisions data structure. These are much more linear, and allow you to fetch a table entry by its ID. You can find this step in the Flow Designer under User Defined Types.
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