How to Break Up File Into 15MB Chunks?

I'm trying to pass a large file into a flow and would like to break the file into 15MB chunks. How can I cut the file into 15mb pieces?
Hello there,
One approach is to first converted the file bytes to a 64bit encoded string. The string length then multiplied by 3/4 indicates how many bytes would be the equivalent of characters in the string. We can then break-up the string into 15MB chunks, or after every 15,728,640 characters.
To convert file byte to a 64bit encoded string, us the Convert Bytes to Base 64 String step:
To get the length of the string, use the Get String Length step (this is what you'll multiply by 3/4 to get the amount of bytes making-up the string)
To split the string after every 15,728,640 characters, you can utilize the Split String by Character Positions step. You can use a ForEach loop to split the string as many places as it needed to break the total file.
While I don't know your use case fully to recommend what to do with these file parts, I hope these general steps help!
Howdy, Stranger!
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