Ability to cancel workflows

Ability to cancel workflows


  • [font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hello, I am working on a Flow Execution Extension with a lot of assignments. We need the ability to cancel the process. Cancellation can be initiated by manager, submitter or admin. Once the cancellation is \"submitted\

  • [font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You can create a User Action that fetches all Assignments from the requests Process Folder, iterates through them with a ForLoop step, and alters each individual Assignment by force-completing them with a Process Assignment Form Response step which is found in the step library under Integration --> Internal Services --> Assignment --> ProcessFormAssignmentResponse. Then you can limit who can see this User Action with an Action Visibility Rule. Once the Assignments are processed, you can then change the state to Closed or Cancelled and notify any relevant parties.[/font]

  • I've just looked into this, however it seems that the Process Assignment Form Response step cannot just use the existing defined outcomes on the form, but must specifically specify new ones (and NOT duplicate names) that must be set up in the "additional assignment actions".

    Now I don't understand how to handle large numbers of assignments in an Operations setting. If a large number are created unexpectedly, how could we make them all choose a retry/continue option? Do we need to specify duplicate options for all form assignments we set up? Why can't we just force it to choose the required option, as if a user had opened the screen and selected that?

    Surely I'm missing something here?

  • Hi Haim,

    Are you trying to close or cancel the assignments in question? 

    -Jacob, Decisions Support

  • Hej Jacob,

    I'm trying to act as a user, i.e. the user would open the task, be presented with a form, and select an outcome from the buttons supplied. These might be to close the task or they could be to retry the step, or start some other process.

    My expectation is that this could be done by the system, without a user having to open the form. From reading the documention it seems only ADDITIONAL outcomes can used by the system via this step. The only other options are auto actions based on time or allowing email interaction.

    So I wonder, if an email is able to trigger the standard form outcomes, why can't an internal step?

  • Hello Haim!

    Could you clarify on your use case a little more? This might help us recommend a best path forward for your process.

    -Gregory, Decisions Support

  • Hej Gregory,

    Flow Description

    There is a flow that retrieves data from a REST call. If a certain error message is returned an Assignment is created for a user to look into the issue.

    When the user opens the assignment they are presented with a Form where they can either close the flow, or they can retry the call (so the flow will be redirected back to the point where the assignment occurred, the call will be tried again and either be successful and the flow with carry on, OR will generate another assignment due to the same or other error). The user would use retry after checking data or perhaps adjusting data in a system that is corrupt/missing/incorrect.


    The system that is called with the REST service has just deployed and has an error so that ALL responses have the error message which triggers the flow to create an assignment for users to check the data.

    There is a large number of flows run and suddently we have 500+ assignments.

    The offending other system is patched and now can correctly reply to these requests.

    The 500+ assignments now need to be opened and the Retry option be selected.

    Obviously doing this manually is not appealing.

    So operations would like to select all those assignments and tell them to be resolved with the retry outcome path.

  • edited January 2024

    Good Afternoon Haim,

    Due to this becoming more user specific, a support ticket will need to be made to further help you. I will use your current email address for your account. If you would like to change it, that can be performed on the ticket itself.


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