Data Repeater Toggle Button Configuration
I want the ability for a toggle button within my main form to switch all the toggle buttons within the data repeater of that main form to true. If one toggle button is set to false in the data repeater, the main toggle button is then switched back to false.
This can be completed by creating two separate Active Form Flows within your form containing the data repeater for each function requested. The Active Form Flow for the Main Toggle utilizes a Get Control Value to output the data repeater toggle values as a list, and the String Is In List step checks the list for a "false" value. If there is, the Set Control Value causes the Main Toggle to be set to False.
The Actie Form Flow for the data repeater starts with a True False Rule ensuring the Main Toggle is "true". The next step is a Get Control Value to output the data repeater toggle values as a list followed by a ForEach Step and an Add Item to List Step. This will go through each toggle and make the value "true" creating a New List. Finally, the Set Control Value step takes the New List and applies it to the Data Repeater.
*Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact: [][/url]
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