Mapping Editor: Can't map the right input
Im having trouble figuring out how to carry data over from one form step to another. I used a form to input data (generic stuff like strings and integers) and I cant figure out how to send the data over to the next flow step. When I try to map a number a entered, I get an error that reads Incompatible data type [System.String->System.Decimal]"
Anyone have an idea on how to fix this? Thanks"
Did you use a text box on your form to get the number? That might be your problem. A text boxs data is automatically cast to a String format, so it cant be mapped to a variable that wants a decimal. Heres what you can do:
1) Use a number box/number spinner to get the numeric data on your form. Itll function the same way as a text box, only it only accepts numbers and will cast your data into a numeric form
2) Use a converter flow on the mapping editor. This way could be a bit more tricky, but its useful. In the mapping editor, you can select the variable you want to map a number to in to and set to to Run Converter Flow." This will let you choose from several types to convert from. In this case
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