How can I automatically add a user to an existing group within a Login Flow in Decisions?

Within a Login Flow, I am trying to configure logic that would add a user to an existing group in Decisions if they do not already exist within the group. Is this possible?


  • Cody_Decisions
    edited March 27

    Hi there,

    Here is a general solution which you could use and build upon as you need:

    First, you would need to check if the user exists already in any created group within Decisions.

    By using the String Is in List Rule, you can check each of the existing current user groups for a specified value. The input value here would be your account’s email address.

    If the Rule evaluates True, that would mean the account already exists within the group(s).

    If the Rule evaluates False, that would mean the account does not exist within the specified group(s) and should be added.

    From here, the account can then be added to the desired group using the group’s ID. In this example, the account is added to the ALL USERS group within Decisions.

    Note: You can get any group’s group ID by right clicking a group name and going to Manage > Get Group ID inside to System > Security > Groups

    Hope this helps!

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