Modifying Time Zone Setting for Decisions?

Modifying Time Zone Setting for Decisions?


  • Is there a way to modify the date of stuff in my Decisions to be my local time? Its using UTC for us. It would be more helpful to me if I can see it in my own local machine time.

  • This is actually super simple.

    • If you are hosted through us, you can submit a Support Ticket to us for the request and give us a time frame for when you are fine with us taking the server offline for a bit so we can implement the changes.
    • If you are hosting your Decisions instance on your own servers, all you have to do is update the clock on that server to the time zone you want to display on Decisions and restart Service Host Manager/Decisions (the former if you are using IIS still and the latter if you are now self hosted with v7).
      However, if you are working with multiple time zones in your company, I will caution that it might be easier if everything was using UTC for your other teammates, so that is something to consider before you implement this change.
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